The American Peony Society
The History of the Peonies and their Originations p. 114
GRATIS (Krekler 1968) Early black-red single albiflora, medium size. Several rows of petals. Stiff stems, 34". Few or no side buds. Bulletin #190 September 1968.
HARMON (Smith-Krekler 1957) Seedling originated by Harry L. Smith, Redkey, Indiana, and purchased by William H. Krekler. Registered by William H. Krekler. Bulletin #143 December 1956.
HAWAII (Murawska 1960) EM. Pink yellow. Anemone type flower has deep pink guard petals surrounding a large center of yellow stamens, which shades to white at the tips. Early mid-season, strong stems, medium height. Bulletin #157 June 1960.
HAZEL DOLENCE (Bockstoce 1962) D.E. Dark pink. Hybrid, lactiflora x officinalis. Dark pink, averaged size bloom, full double, rose center. Good stems. Bulletin #167 December 1962.
HAZEL LYONS (Nicholls-Wild & Son 1958) D.L. (N-1184) Dark rose pink,-medium height. Late. Petals deeply cut and serrated at the edges. Gobular type. Bulletin #156 March 1960.
HENRIETTA FLORY (Krekler 1965) (B-31) Big pink double flower, 33" height. Stamens can be glimpsed among the petals, white pistils, red tops. Late. Bulletin #178 September 1965.
HEDGEMASTER (Ben Gilbertson, Kindred, North Dakota 1972) (6003) Hybrid, single white, yellow pollen center, some fragrance. Smouthii x Laura Dessert, Flowers large and flat, lies in foliage. Somewhat dwarf, pollen and seeds. Height 20". Early. Good substance. Bulletin #203 September 1972.
HENRY SASS (Sass-Interstate Nurseries 1949) (A-25) D.L.W. Pure white, full double, tall, strong stems, large bloom, m.idseason to late. Dependable. Well formed. Registered by Interstate Nurseries. Bulletin #156 March 1960.
HIFALUTIN (Myron D. Bigger 1960) (1-53) (Nippon Beauty x unknown) Full rose type double, crimson. Almost no blue tones. Medium height. Bulletin #158.
HIGH FASHION (Nicholls-Wild & Son 1962) (865) D.L.M. Lilac pink. Huge full flower has four rows of large guard petals, surrounding a collar of finely cut center petals of about the same shade. Center petals build a high crown and are lilac pink, in color. No stamens Petals irregular, giving flower a soft fluffy appearance. Strong stems. Bulletin #164. March 1962.
HILLBILLY (Bigger 1963) (4-58) D.LM. White. Aerie x unknown. White with candy stripes on some of petals. No seed pods, no pollen. -40" tall. Late midseason. No form and it seems to have no plan in life. Bulletin #169 June 1963.
HI-MABEL (Bockstoce 1961) D.E. Bright pink hybrid. Officinalis x lactiflora. Double rose center, early, bright pink. Bulletin #163 December 1961.
HIT PARADE (Nicholls 1965) (N177) M.S. Pink. Tall. Japanese, rose pink, full fluffy center is lighter pink than the two rows of petals. Center of petals, magenta rose, color lightens toward the petal edges. Pistils, light green. Good stem and foliage. Registered by Gilbert H. Wild & Son. Bulletin #176 March 1965.
HOARY (Krekler 1959) (AU-22) White. Loose built white double, good substance. Occasional red edged petal, yellow stamens, minute pale green carpels, tipped pink. Tall, late mid-season. Bulletin #150 September 1958.
HO-HUM (Krekler 1962) D.L.W. Late, double white with pink center. Bulletin #166 September 1962.
HOOSIER ANN (Jones 1960) (116) D.M.LP. Lactiflora x unknown. Medium size globular double, light lilac pink petals, strong stems, medium height, late, fragrant. H.M. at Van Wert, Ohio 1960. Foliage large, light green. Bulletin #159 December 1960.
HOOSIER HERITAGE (R. H. Jones) (117) Large, midseason, dark pink. 40" stems. Foliage clean, medium green from soil 6" tapering to below blooms, carried clear. Bulletin #181 June 1966.
HOOSIERLAND (782W) Parentage, own seedling line bred. Double bomb type, early, stamens. Red foliage, mahogany color, stout stems, extremely short growing. Excellent garden variety where wind is a problem. Patent applied for. Originator and registered by Charles Klehm & Son, Arlington Heights, Illinois. Bulletin #188 March 1968.
HOT CHOCOLATE (Henry Sass 1971) (T) Lactiflora, Oxford red, Japanese, 6x3 flowers. No stamens, guards cupped, recurved. 38" height. EM season. Cocoa brown, moderate sized flower held stiffly on tall stems. Best seedling Midwest District Show 1969. Registered by Eldorado Gardens, El Dorado, Kansas. Bulletin #201 March 1972.
ILLINI JUBILEE (William H. Krekler) Red, single, large hybrid, blooms mid-May. Registered November 1965. Bulletin #179 December 1965.
ILLINI ROSE (Glasscock-Falk 1964) D.E. Rose. Fourth generation hybrid. Late hybrid. Registered by Mrs. Elizabeth Falk, Plainfield, Illinois. Originator, Lyman Glasscock. Bulletin #172 March 1964.
INNOVATION (Wild 57-44) Red novelty, similar to W56-72. Registered by Gilbert H. Wild & Son. Bulletin #186 September 1967.
ISRAEL (Krekler 1975) Deep red, hybrid.
IVA WALKER (M7-68) Festiva Maxima x (Ruth Clay x Harry L. Burden) Edward Lee Michau, Derby, Kansas 1975. Rose pink double bomb, early. Five buds per stem. First bloomed 1972. 28" height. Has seeds, good substance. Guard petals fold back with age to form a loose collar around the feathery center. Named for originator's mother. Bulletin #216.
J. BEENEY (Nicholls-Wild & Son 1957) (1374) D.LM. White. Fragrant. White with ivory cream at base. Occasional red penciled in center petal. Petals wide, interspersed throughout with fluffy petaloids. Registered by Gilbert H. Wild & Son. Bulletin #143 December 1956.
J. BOY (Jones 1957) (53) D.M. Bright pink. Large bright pink full double, erect stems. Cut flower. Midseason. Bulletin #150 September 1958.