Sokolov, P.D. (1986)
Rastiteljnye resursy SSSR, Isvetkovye rastenija ich chimitcheskii sostav, ispoljzovanie,
Paeoniaceae- Thymeleaceae : 7-11, Izdateljstvo "nauka", Leningrad,1986
Chemical capacity and curative effects of plants
Translation from the Russian of Dr.Carsten Burkhardt, Cottbus
[sitemap] [index person]
Odnung Paeoniales
Family Paeoniaceae Rudolphi species Paeonia 22.13
1. P.anomala L narrow-leafed Paeonia or mary root. hight 60-100 cm
Europ. Part: Karelo-Murmanskij, Dvinsko - Petchorskij, Wolga-Kamsk, Zavolzhskij;
West - Siberia: Obskij, Irtyshskij, Altajskij;
Eastern Siberia: Jenissejskij, Lena-Kolymskij, Angaro-Sajanskij;
Middle Asia: Pribalkhashskij, Tien-shan, Dzhungaro-Tarbagatajskij.
In forests, on meadows, glades, forestmeadows in hights up to 2500m.
Chemical capacity: Vitamins: C. flavonoids
Root: carbohydrates 7.8 - 30.99 %: glucose, monosaccharids st. to 188°C. Saccharose, amyloid.
Organic acids 2.1 % : Benzoin.
Ethereal oils 0.14 - ++ 1.59 % .
Monoterpenoids: Peoniflorin. Triterpenoids: beta-Amirin .
Steroids: Cytosterin .
Alkaloids: Tracks .
Vitamins: C.
Aromatic compounds: Peonol, Peonolid.
Phenolcarbonacids and their derivatives: Salicylic acid 0.071.02 %. Methylsalicylat 0.66 %.
Phenolglykosids: Salicin.
Tannic acidse 8.8 %: Gallacid, Ether of Gallacid.
flavonoids 1.39 %.
Above ground part: Tannic acids. flavonoids.
stem: Alkaloids tracks .
Leaves, blossoms: Vitamins: C .
Seeds: Fat-acid 20.341.1 and parts 142.2192.1: in his composition: Glycerides of Olein - , Linol - and Linolenacid.
Application: purified and utilized as 10% infusion, owns sedative, defence-strengthening and disinfecting effects and becomes recommended for Neurasthenia, insomnia, cerebrale vasopathias, restraint of the vegetative functions for functional illnesses of the central nervous system, but also from organic illnesses of it like Arachnoiditis, Encephalitis. In fresh infusion for the short-term relief of arterial high pressure and improvement of the circulation the capillary. Watery - alcoholic and watery solutions have protistozide, bactericidal and phytoizide effects.
Root: In the Chinese medicine as effective compound of anti-swelling agents;
in the Mongolian for illnesses of the kidneys, the liver, as remedies at poisonings;
in the thibetic for nervous and stomach - intestine - diseases, illnesses of the kidneys , tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Bronchitis together with other means.
In the people - medicine for hypertonic illnesses, gastro-intestinal -illnesses: Ulcers of stomachs and 12 - finger - intestine, gastritis, Diarrhoe, illnesses of the liver, in the obstetrics and at gynecological illnesses because of his on the Myometrium tonisising effect, (abortive, for the secretion of the afterbirth ). for cold - illnesses, malaria, shivers, as antiphlogistic agent at gout and rheumatic arthritis, at metabolic disorders. Paralysises. Haemorrhoe. Ascites , Otitises. Scrophulosis and tuberculosis; because of his tonisising effect at oncological diseases.
In Siberia as addition to meat dishes; in Kasakhstan for kash . Used for the manufacture of the drink «Baikal»; in Mongolia for the refreshing drink «Terelzh»; at anorexia as tea - substitute. setting up.
Above ground part, fruit: In the Komi republic as decoction and infusion at metabolic disorders ; in Mongolia as infusion for epilepsy.
Fruit: in Mongoliaat anorexia as tea - substitute.
Seeds: in Mongolia as infusion at gastritis and maternal illnesses.
Application: Blossoms. To the coloration of hair, cotton-textils, lines and silk in light-red;
Nectar plant. decorative . The frequency of the species decreases. it is necessary, to put it under protection.
The plant is poisonous in large dosis.
2. P. caucasica hight to approx. 60cm.
Caucasus: all rayons besides Dagestanskij, endemic.
In forests. on forest openings, meadows and willows, in the undergrowth between bushes to in medium mountanous regions on hights to 2000m.
3. P.daurica Andr. hight to 100cm.
Europ. Part: Crimea:
Caucasus: Predkavkazkaja. endemic.
In mountain forests and on open slopes of the forest zone
Chemical capacity:
Leaves. vitamins: C. flavonoids: Kaempferol, Quercetin, Sexa-angularitin. Limocitrin .
Seeds. fat acids 21.8928.7 %. 127.7178.07 . application:
Blossoms. give red dye .
decorative . The frequency of the species decreases, it is necessary, to put it under protection .
4. P. hybrida Pall. Ca.15-50 cm in hight.
West - Siberia:Irtyshskij. Altajskij;
Middle Asia: Syr-darjanskij. Pamir-Alaijskij. Tien-shan, Dzhungaro-Tarbagatajskij.
In steppe and open areas of the lower mountanous regions, in undergrowth between bushes.
Chemical capacity: Saponines. Cumarin. Tannic material. flavonoids tracks .
Root. alkaloids .
Seeds. fat acids 27-28 % .
Application: Root. infusion has sedative effects, becomes applyed at gynecological illnesses .
In Kasachstan for kash ;
in west - Siberia and Middle Asia as enclosure to meat;
decorative . The frequency of the species decreases, it is necessary, to put it under protection .
5. P.intermedia hight 25-75cm.
West - Siberia: Altajskij;
Middle Asia: Pamir-Alaijskij. Tien-shan, Dzhungaro-Tarbagatajskij.
In mountains on semiarid conditions between trees and bushes, in steppe , on hights to 3000m.
Chemical capacity:
Underground part. Saponine tracks. Alkaloids 0.2 %.
Above ground part. Saponine tracks . alkaloids 0.15 %.
Seeds. alkaloids 0.25 %
Application root. for colds, shivers .
Edible; decorative. Should be put under protection.
6. P.japonica hight to 100cm.
Far East east: Sachalin, Curiles.
Along with rivers, in conifere - and deciduous forests.
Chemical capacity: Seeds. Steroides: Cytosterin, 7. 22. 25-Stigmasterin, Kampesterin, Avenasterin.
Higher fat acids and their hydrolysates: Olein - Linol - and Linolenacid.
7. P. lactiflora hight approx. 60- 100cm.
Eastern Siberia: Daurskij;
Far East east: Amur, Primorskij
On dry open stony slopes, meadows, along courses of rivers and on sandy and clayey floors, between bushes, on glades: frequently, sometimes thicket forming.
Chemical capacity: carbohydrates and compounds: Strengthen, Pipetrin. Organic acids: benzoin-acid. ethereal oils.
Root. Monoterpenoides: Peoniflorin, Albiflorin, Oxy-peoniflorin, Benzoil - peoniflorin, Peoniflorigenon,
Steroides: Cytosterin .
Alkaloids tracks .
Tannic acids : 1,2,3,4,6 - Penta - gallo - glucose .
rootrinde: Alkaloids. Cumarin tracks. Tannic acids.
Above ground part: flavonoids.
Leaves. vitamins:C.
carbohydrates and compounds: Sucrose>50 %. Myoinosit 2.5 % .
Blossoms. flavonoids. In the hydrolysat: Ranunculetin. Flavescetin. Querietin. Kaempferol .
Fruit. Cyclopentan and his derivatives: Pipetrin 0,13 % .
Tannic acids: Hexa-galloil-Glycose .
Seeds. Tannic acids .
fat acids 21.0127,77 %, and. ÷. 107166.9 .
One of the most frequently applied medicinal plants of the traditional medicine of the countries of Southeast Asia. Infusion is sedative at illnesses of the central nervous system. Essentially more weakly, than P. anomala .
Root. It is shown experimentally, that the extract of P. lactiflora and Glycyrrhiza L. A decrease of Cholestein in the blood plasma causes; intra-abdominal thinning of the extract increases the concentration of residual nitrogen in the blood - serum; alcoholic extract becomes recommended for the treatment the posthaemorrhagic anaemia . Penta - gallo - glucose has an antiviral activity . Peoniflorin solves the neuro-muscular block in the stimulation conduction at mice.
In the Chinese medicine for the treatment of hemorrhages in the retina of the eyes, infectious hepatitis and intestinal diseases, crab, diabetes, Nephritis and hypertonia . for the treatment of Lepra; Extract improves the appetite , helps with hyperazidity of the stomach; decoction has spasmolytic effects at spastic paralysises, gastralgias and intestine -illnesses. Sedative, expectorant, lactogenic and diuretic effects.
In the thibetic medicine for tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonias along with other materials .
At the Nanai, Udegeuzen and the Ultchen for illnesses of the liver and the kidneys; decoction spasmolytic; for gastralgias, gastric ulcer and stomach cancer, diarrhoe, dysenteria, dysmenorrhoea. polyarthritis, hypertonia, enzephalitis, as cholereticum and antiphlogisticum. sudorific, chemostatic, diuretic and disinfecting effect ; for pulmonal diseases .
In Mongolia is prepared in roasted condition from the roots and leaves as tea.
Above ground part bactericidal and protistozid. From the roasted leaf is produced in Mongolia as tea - substitute. Decorative. The forms and sorts, which from P. lactiflora have emerged, one sums up in the group of the Chinese peonies. The frequency of the species decreases, it is necessary, to put it under protection .
8. P. mlokosewitschi . hight to 100cm, sometimes more.
Caucasus: Eastern Transcaucasia. endemic.
At slopes and steep open areas, In forests, on glades, on forest - meadows, between bushes the medium and higher mountanous regions.
Chemical capacity: Fruit. flavonoids: Kaempferol. Quercetin, Sexa-Angularitin, Limocitrin;
decorative. Rare endemic of the nature preserve Lagodechi
9. P. obovata Maxim. 60-90cm high.
Eastern Siberia: Daurskaja;
Far East east: Ochotskij.. Amur., Primorskij., Sachalin.
In oak - and birch forests, In river valleys;
Chemical capacity: Above ground part alkaloids tracks. flavonoids .
Root. In the Chinese medicine at stomach - intestine - illnesses. For the treatment the nettle-rash, pleuritis and pneumonia.
In the Far East at epilepsy, headaches, for the general strengthening of the early borns and for illnesses the gastro-intestinal tract. for coughs, asthma and as antipyretic means, at eyes - and ear-diseases. Decorative. The frequency of the species decreases, it is necessary, to put it under protection.
10. P. peregrina Mill. 60 -90cm high .
Europ. Part: Moldavskij (Kordy).
In the protection of clear decidous - forests, between clear bushes; in groups or individually.
Chemical capacity:
Root. carbohydrates (in%): glucose 45, Sacharose 814, amyloid 1425.
Organic acids and their derivatives: benzoin-acid. Ether of benzoin-acid and their glycosid.
Steroide: Cytosterin.
Alkaloids. Azo - compounds: Benzamid.
Aromatic compounds: Peonol.
Phenolkarbonacids and their derivatives: Gallacid. Pine:
Leaves. Steroides: Cytosterin.
Phenolkarbonacids: Gallacid.
flavonoids: 3-Galacto-7-Ramnosid-quercetin. Digalactosid , Kaempferol.
Higher aliphatic hydrocarbons and liquors: m - pentatria - Kontan, m - Tetratri - Akontanol.
Blossoms. Anthocyane: Cyanide, Pelargonidin. 3-glycosid-Delphinidin. Peonilin. Malvidin.
Seeds. fat acids 38.3 % and. ÷. 188.4.
Nectar plant. decorative . The frequency of the species decreases. it is necessary, to put it under protection.
11. P. tenuifolia 10-50cm high .
Europ. Part: Dnjeprovskij, Volzhno-Donskoj, Zavolzhskij, Prichernomorskij,
Crimea. Lower Don, Lower Wolga,
Caucasus: all rayons besides Dagestanskij
In steppe, on steppe meadows between bushes. on glades in decidous - forests the lower mountanous regions.
Chemical capacity: Tannic acids.
Leaves. vitamins: C.
Blossoms. flavonoids Hydrolysat: Querietin. Kaempferol. Ranukuletin. Flavestchetin. Anthocyanes.
Pollen: flavonoids: Quercetin, Sexa-Anguaritin, Limocitrin.
fat acids 4.9 %, and. ÷. 116.8.
Seeds. fat acids 18.934.05 %, and. ÷. 145.8-193.3.
Application: In the autonomous region Karatchevo-Tcherkessk at illnesses of the heart and tuberculosis; easily bactericidal, protistoizid and phytoizide.
Root. In the Caucasus - for the treatment of anaemia, coughs, and shivers,poisonings, against syphilis
Leaves, stem:. gives green dye.
decorative. The frequency of the species decreases, it is necessary, to put itunder protection.
12. P. vernalis Mandl. To 70cm high .
Far East east: Primorskij. endemic.
In deciduous forests and between bushes.
Chemical capacity: Above ground part, blossoms. Tannic acids. flavonoids. [1663).
Application: In the Chinese medicine for stomach - illnesses.
In Primorie for illnesses of the central nervous system. Epilepsy, headaches.
decorative, is used to the selection. The frequency of the plant decreases, it is necessary, to put itunder protection.
besides that: at
P. wittmanniana Hartwiss ex Lindl.
in the leaves Tannic acids contain 11.4 %,
in the seed fat - sour 22.41 %, and. ÷. 135.4.