Rehder, A.

New species, varieties and combinations from Herbarium and the collections of the Arnold Arboretum

Journ Arnold Arboretum, vol 1, pp193-194 (1920)

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Paeonia suffruticosa var. spontanea, var. nov. Paeonia suffruticosa Rehder & Wilson, in Sargent, Pl. Wilson. I. 319 (1913).

A typo recedit foliolis ovatis vel late ovatis inciso-dentatis vel trifidis, basi rotundatis vel late cuneatis, 3-7 cm. longis, subtus ad nervos praesertim basin versus pilosis, floribus 10-12 cm. diam. roseis, petalis circiter 10, interdum stamenibus petaloideis praeditis.

China: Shensi: 50 li west of Yunan Fu, 1910, W. Purdom (No. 838); Tai-pei-shan, 1910, W. Purdom (sterile).

The wild form differs from the cultivated garden forms chiefly in the broader and smaller leaflets rounded or broadly cuneate at the base and pilose on the nerves beneath, particularly toward the base of the leaflets. It also produces suckers freely, while the cultivated forms do not sucker. From the nomenclatorial type of the species which is P. suffruticosa var. rosea Bailey it further differs in the smaller flowers with fewer petals, but a plant of the wild form introduced by Purdom into cultivation which has flowered in the garden of Professor C. S. Sargent had larger flowers and more petals than the wild specimens. The disk is very high and envelops the carpels entirely up to the stigmas.

P. suffruticosa Andr. f. Anneslei, comb. nov. — P. Moutan Anneslei Sabine in Trans. Hort. Soc. vi. 482, tab. (1826).

A form with purple, nearly single flowers which seem to come nearest to the wild form.

X Paeonia Lemoinei, nom. nov. (P. lutea X suffruticosa). — Paeonia " 1'Esperance" Lemoine & Fils, Cat. No. 173, vn. (1909). —P. "La Lorraine " Lemoine & Fils. Cat. No. 182, tab. (1912). — Gard. Chron. ser. 3. LVII. 56, 68, tab. col. (1915).

This new hybrid was raised by V. Lemoine & Fils, of Nancy, about 1900 and " La Lorraine " flowered for the first time in 1904. The form " 1'Esperance " may serve as the type of this hybrid which in general appearance and in foliage resembles P. suffruticosa, but the large flowers which measure up to 20 cm. across, are yellow and the 8-10 petals have a carmine blotch at the base; the filaments are red. " La Lorraine " has double yellow flowers with a salmon tinge when opening.