P. lagodechiana Kemularia-Nathadse
Trud. Tbil. Bot. In. (21) 33,1961
Status |
type: [herbaceous peony] [species] - [synonym] |
1961 |
Kemularia-Nathadse |
Section Paeon DC Series masculae Stern Typus P.mascula Mill. 6. P. ruprechtiana Kem.Nath. h.l.comb.nova 7. P. caucasica Schipcz. |
8. Paeonia lagodechiana Kem.-Nath. h. I. species nova Perennial, 50-100 cm high, plant with a branchy rhizome having spindle-like root thickenings; the stem is ribbed, densely leaved; leaves are double ternate, glaucescent at both sides or only from beneath, smooth with slightly protruding veins, bare; leaf-lobes are smooth-edged, oblong-elliptical, at both sides or at the apex they are shortly narrowed. The blossoms are pink, broad patent, with obovate slightly concave petals; anthers are orange, filaments are purple; ovary is yellow, tomentose downy; stigmas are flesh colored, almost symmetrical. The fruit is tomentose-downy. Habitat. The intermediary montane belt, in forest. Type. The lagodekhsky reservation. Ninigora, in forest 10. V. 1953 A. Kazarova and A. Dolukhanov. Studied samples. Georgia, Kachetia. the Lagodekhsky gorge 5.V. 1935 Kemularia-Nathadse P. Tsagarely. Planta perennis, plerungue 50-100 cm. alta. Rhizoma crassum ramosus, radix fusiformis. Caulis cylindraceus vix angulatus glaber ramosus dense foliosus. Folia biternato secta longe petiolata superne viride subtus vel utrinque glauca, foliolis ellipticis vel oblongo-elliptics apice acutis basin versus breviter attennatis glabris nervis non prominentibus. Flores late aperti rosel petala vix concava obovata basi cuneata. Stamina flava filamentis stigmaque carneis. Fructus tomentosus, IV-V. Affinitas. Ab P. caucasica N. Schipcz. floribus roseis late apertis petalis foliolisque forma bene differt. Habitatio. In regione silvatica montium et margines silvarum. Typus. Georgia. Rauces Lagodechi. loc. Ninigora 10. V. 1953 A. Kazarova et A. Doluchanov. Specimina vida: Georgia. Fauces Lagodechi in silva 10.V. 1935 P. Zagareli; 5. V. 1936 Kemularia-Natadze. Area geogr. Caucasus. Species endemica. Remarks. It is a very effective, ornamental plant. With its tender glaucescent leaves, it resembles P. Mlokosewitschii Lomak., nevertheless from which it noticeably differs with its pink larger broad-patent blossoms, stigma's, anthers and filaments colour and leaf-lobes form, also. As to the latter character, it is obovate, blunt at the apex and long-tapered at the base for P. Mlokosewitschii Lomak. From P. caucasica N. Schipcz. it differs with its pink broad-patent larger blossoms, with petals and leaf-lobes form. Till present it is known to have been found in the Lagodekhsky gorge only. |
1987 |
notes of Punina |
The diploid species P.lagodechiana u. P.chamaeleon are hybrids between P.caucasica and P.mlokosewitschi. P.lagodechiana is a natural hybrid originating from Lagodekhi-valley, P.chamaeleon is a hybrid, which accrued spontaneously in the BG of Tbilissi, what is also confirmed experimentally (Kakheladse, 1965; Kemularia-Nathadse,1980).Through these species we've got descendants with intermediate patterns. At present time it's still controversy, which of these hybrid taxons deserve the rank of a species, but for convenience we use these names in the following to demarcate these natural and artificial hybrids. By analysing the chromosomes of these species we found a heteromorphism between the homologue pairs. That's why in Table 3 and on the ideograms the full chromosome garniture of these diploid species is shown (pict.3). A heteromorphism is notable in the length of the 1./2., 7./8. and 9./10. chromosomes in both species, at the same time at P.chamaeleon a difference between the non-homologue chromosomes 2/3 and 4/5 is absent. Beside this, has at P.chamaeleon of the II. chromosome pair only the 4th chromosome a satellite, while at P.lagodechiana only from the 1st chromosome (I.pair) a satellite is absent, but the 7th chromosome (IV.pair) has a very large satellite (pict.3,a). discussion: The diploid species P.chamaeleon and P.lagodechiana are hybrids between P.caucasica and P.mlokosewitschi, what could be verified experimentally (Kakheladse, 1965; Kemularia-Nathadse, 1980). We could not identify the chromosomes of the parent species in the karyotypes of these plants. 3 chromosomes were indistinguishable. We were confronted with an analogue problem yet before, when we studied natural hybrids of the genus Pulsatilla (Ranunculaceae), namely hybrids between Pulsatilla patens x P.vernalis, where it was impossible to discriminate 3 chromosome pairs of 8, whereas we could distinguish all 8 chromosome pairs of the parent species (Punina, Grif, 1984). Surprising were the results of the measured sizes of the thickness of the chromosomes of Paeonia chamaeleon and P.lagodechiana .As noticed before, the chromosomes of P.mlokosewitschi were 1.8, those of P.caucasica 1.5 mm thick. Logical would be, that the current sizes in the hybrid species would be between them or close to the size of one parent. But they were in P.chamaeleon 1.4 and in P.lagodechiana 1.3 mm respectively (statistical divergence only 0.03 mm). M.S.Navashin (1985) examined chromosome-alterations at artificial hybrids of the genus Crepis. He was able to show the disappearance of satellites the prolongation and abridgement of all chromosomes of one species in the cytoplasm of the hybrid, but also the disappearance of differences in the thickness of the chromosomes at the hybrids. For these phenomena he created the terminus "amphiplastia", demarcating a differentiate (only a single chromosome is alterated, for instance by disappearance of a satellite) and a neutral (alteration of the length and thickness of all chromosomes of one species) amphiplastia. It seems obvious to us, in the case of hybrids between species of the genus Paeonia also to see an amphiplastia, which is shown by alterations in the chromosome length of the parent species or a levelling of differences between the chromosome pairs. |
1995 |
Kapinos & Dubrov |
P.lagodechiana Kem.-Nath. - lagodekhian peony Endemic, native to the middle mountainous regions of Kakhetia - Lagodekhi. Stems dense leafed, 50-100cm high. Leaves 2-lobed. Flowers rose, wide opening. |
Typ 1
Typ 2
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |