type: [herbaceous peony] [species] [synonym]
accepted name (2005): |
Paeonia daurica ssp. mlokosewitschii |
1897 |
original description of Lomakin |
Paeonia Mlokosewitschi Lomak. Foliis biternatis, foliolis oblongis, rarius obovatis, breviter acuminatis, supra glaucescentibus, subtus discoloribus pallidis breviter puberulis, floribus luteis, petalis patulis, carpellis tomentosis arcpato-patentibus. The leaves are biternate; the segments oblong, conversely oval, shortly acuminate, above blueish, beneath pale, shortly - fluffily; blossoms yellow; leaves spread out; sepals tomentose, arched back For comparison we include the description of P. Wittmanniana Stev. , which originates from the place, where Wittmann discovered this kind as first (1840, Atzkur). Paeonia Wittmanniana Stev. Foliis biternatis elliptico lanceolatis, ovatis vel oblongis, longiuscule acuminatis, supra atroviridibus, subtus discoloribus pallidis, pilis longis flexnosis pubescentibas, nervis prominulis, floribus fere clausis, petalis pallide ochroleucis, carpellis glabris. Leaves biternate, oblong - lanceolate, oval or oblong, long- acuminate, above darkgreen, below pale with dense tomentum from long bent bristles, the nerves, also the small, are emphasized clearly; the blossoms are almost closed, the petals are brightly- yellow, with glabrous sepals. P. Mlokosevitschi [sic!] differt a P. Wittmanniana Stev. foliolis oblongis breviter acuminatis nec longe acaminatis, supra glaucescentibns nec atro-viridibus, foliolis subtus breviter nec longe pu-bessentibus, nervis obscuris nec prominulis, floribus apertis nec clausis, carpellis tomentosis nec glabris. P. Mlokosewitschi differs from P. Wittmanniana Stev. through the short and not long - sharpened leaflets, which are gleaming above, and not densely hairy, beneath shortly - and not long - hairy; the nerves come forward on the underside of the leaves only little,not exalted over the web of the leaf; the blossoms have outspread petals, which are not directed up, and, finally, tomentose and not bald fruits |
© Übersetzung aus demRussischen Dr.Carsten Burkhardt |
1901 |
discription of Busch (1901) (link) © Übersetzung aus dem Russischen Dr.Carsten Burkhardt |
1946 |
1961 |
Wister |
P. mlokosewitschi Lomakin. 1897. Caucasus. A beautiful species but weak grower. To 40". Leaves gray-green or bronze, reddish stems. The only really yellow herbaceous peony. Extremely early, blooming with Narcissus poeticus and forget-me-nots. Discovered by Edward (or G.?, or L. F.?) Mlokosewitsch, Russian forester, in the eastern central Caucasus .before 1897. Listed by Barr 1924. Diploid 10 chromosomes. |
1961 |
1986 |
Chemical Content an medical use / Chemische Zusammensetzung und medizinische Anwendung |
1984 |
1987 |
1989 |
mlokosewitschi, el car light to medium tone yellow. Lovely flowers five inches across, with showy orange-coloured stamens. Sweetly scented. vff. The foliage is handsome and individual; richly coloured, massive, ovate leaves; stems wine-purple. The seeds, scarlet and black, are ornamental in the opening pods. Flowers in April to May. Two-foot stems. |
MLOKOSEWITSCHII (E)(Caucasian Mountains) We are able to offer a limited number of hefty divisions from mature plants; these are not seedlings, rather plants we continue to propagate from the Goldsmith collection; sulfur yellow blooms, pink tipped carpels, distinctive foliage and those famous seed pods, |
MLOKOSEWITSCHII Called "Molly the Witch" by many, this species single is one of the very few yellows in herbaceous peonies. The grey green foliage is rounded with the underside of the leaves being a dull red which sets off to perfection the single flower. The most desirable of plants for a garden of quality. Y.single, Early, 65cm. |
Upper surface/Oberseite Lower surface/Unterseite
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fruits in blooming time/ Fruchtstände zur Blütezeit ripening/reifend |
Leo Smith |
Hermann Fuchs: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |